Blue Raven Maestro iPod Speaker Dock

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Blue Raven Maestro iPod Speaker Dock
$39.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Blue Raven Maestro 1070 Black iPod Speaker Dock

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New Blue Raven Maestro iPod Speaker Dock, for $39.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Blue Raven Maestro 1070 Black iPod Speaker Dock

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Argh, one after the other

Hoping there’s only like 3 of these…

nooo! I didn’t buy the iPod! gahhhhh!

Bed for four hours.

lol heres for all the ipod buyers

its pretty

convenient for you folks that just bought that iPod.



whoever bought ipods buy one of these

good thing i bought the nano before this carp came up…now I have an xmas gift for someone I hate

they might want to post the “ipod not included” elsewhere, so black earphones boy doesn’t expect both.

I almost want to buy this, it would go well witt my new ipod touch.

I am going back to bed… See you in a few hours…

The green one? Or the black one?

darn, this doesn’t match my iPlod.

on second look, that dock is fucking gigantic. Look how small the iPhone looks in comparison. By far the largest iPod dock I have ever seen.

HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH, ipod + speaker set combo … At least his is a good ass deal.