Boding Ȭccidentalist Commensurates

Boding ?ccidentalist Commensurates
Price: $10
Shipping Options:: $0 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Monday, Apr 30 to Thursday, May 03) + transit
Condition: Crushing


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Did you miss it? Here are some Crappy Tips

1. Stay Logged In - When the current item reaches 5%, log out of woot and log back in to keep your session fresh
2. Keep your cart clean - Clear out any sold out items from your cart
3. Use WootStalker - It significantly increases your chances


Scoreth the crappiness. :smiley:

woohoo!!! got one

The ONE SECOND I take my eye off the prize. Doh.

Still processing…

Waiting room for me. :sad:

Seriously though :frowning:

I’m with you BonoMan. Missed it by that much.


W0000000000ttttt!! My 10th Bag of Crap!!! So excited to be dissapointed

Sadness, for the crap eludes me.

Sold out by the time I got out of the vestibule. Rats!

Me too. Bad timing for the restroom break.

Well, my phone is still saying processing but I’ve already gotten a cancellation email. :frowning: Oh, well. There is always the next one to try for!

Bought one in past 31 days so wouldn’t let me place my order :frowning:

Shouldn’t everybody be at work? Quickly F5’d starting from before closing of the previous product and BOC was sold out before I even had time to make a purchase.

no crap for me, got the VOP , then it was in my cart then it was taken away. I think that is more disappointing than the actual box that comes. :frowning:

Dang work. Missed it. Hope it’s not as long until the next one.