Breville Ikon Diecast Blender

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Breville Ikon Diecast Blender
$79.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: Recertified

Product List:

  • 1 Breville BBL600XL Ikon Diecast Blender

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Recertified Breville Ikon Diecast Blender, for $79.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Breville BBL600XL Ikon Diecast Blender

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will it blend?

came and woot with us, just click the link in my banner. And remember always buy 3!!!

will this work with my sansa?

But will it blend?


holy shit is that an iphone?

this is sad…

Will it blend???

might get this one… I will then be able to blend in at work…

I think this is the blender featured in videos. They blended an iPhone. Look for ‘blend iphone’ on Youtube

I already got one of these too…next!

You guys are staying up too late…you made your pic too large and the progress meter stomps on the supposedly funny saying…

Seriously, Woot! W-i-l-l i-t b-l-e-n-d becomes "New meme wanted. Apply within.? "

I’d buy if it included the iPhone. D8


No, but it will work for Salsa.