Bring our Canvas

Bring our Canvas

Hey Vestibule, I see my chair is still warm from when I was here a couple minutes ago. Oh look, you even refilled my drink while I was gone - sigh - lol.

So, it added to cart hit checkout and it said it sold out. What type of shenanigans is this, I finally got it and a system error cost me a BoC, woot you could do better!

No system error. It sold out. There’s always way more requests to purchase than BOCs to buy. Sorry. Frustration is kinda part of the process.

Omg omg omg after years and years of waiting in the never ending vestibule of patience, the almighty Bob Marley shined down on lil ol me and I finally scored a BOC🥰 Hold up, I just found out there’s still a possibility of it being canceled?!? Your killin me smalls

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I wasnt in vestibule I actually made it through. I thought if you made it, then its yours to buy?

Not necessarily. Every payment processes at a different speed. Depends on your payment source, security checks, etc.

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