Broccoli over Cauliflower

Having worked in the shipping things out bizz a bit, im uber curious how the assembly line for BoC’s work. It either is amazingly coordinated or a beautiful mess that either way is surely a sizable task.

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It’s more fun to let it out and invent new swear words.

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I assume there is a mass box of junk hanging from the ceiling that gets dumped like a broken pinata and they scoop up what they can in 30 seconds, drop it in a box, and that is what you get


Also, i do a jump n jive when i get a bat orderly combobulated successfully ordered, maybe add a few 80s rocker fist pumps. What does everyone else do?

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Ah yes like how packing peanuts are hung from a bag on the ceiling for easy dumping into boxes. Maybe a modified UNO Shuffle device for the woot bags?

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It’s pretty much a full time job for two people to keep up with demand and get ahead for birthday, Q4, etc.

Throw things in a box
Push it through the tape machine
Stack it on a pallet
When full, wrap the pallet
Stow the pallet until needed.


they have a dedicated tape machine? what level of opulence has woot grown to?

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Omg dream job, no joke

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I used to give a fist pump, “YES!”, and then sink into despair wondering what I had done. Why did I pay for this impending disappointment.


Scary, huh?

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I worked at a warehouse that employed five people and they had a strapping machine and a tape machine. Woot is probably archaic in their warehouse machines in comparison to how financially backed they are lol

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because you already have spent 12+ hours of your day trying to get it. you dont want that to be completely wasted time


Its the same reaction as when taking a drug for the first time! Just gotta keep your mind in a happy place, this soon shall pass :rofl:

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Not really. Donte and I built 800 BOCs in one day. We were testing various ways to set up the build line so it would work more efficiently and build in variety into them (as much as possible).

When I got home, I could barely move. I was jello the next day. We average about 250 per day on days when people can be fully dedicated to making them.


Did i mention im a glutton for pain? And i eat bran cereal?


cover my ticket to fly out, food/lodging/etc. and I will come enhance your efficiency. oh and i get to take at least 2 random BOCs

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Well, we ain’t Amazon. LOL. But we do have new tape machines as of last year when they saw how much time was being lost fixing and reloading the old ones. Data, people. We need data!

We’re still a small operation. The only things that ship out of Woot/Dallas warehouse are open box, some returns, some of the weird stuff we sell in Funhouse, TT’s Happy Hour, etc. And BOCs.


did you know colon blow has as much fiber as 120,000 bowls of your normal cereal?


I won’t cover your ticket but if we ever get back to the office, I do tours if people come by. :slight_smile:
BOC not included.

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by elimination that means you agree to cover food/lodging/etc. i call that a deal