BUILT NY Compact Soft Shell Camera Case

I’d take a laptop case. Little small for that.

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BUILT NY Compact Soft Shell Camera Case
$4.99 + $5 Standard OR $8 Two-Day OR $11 One-Day Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

This is why they offer free shipping all day until midnight after the first purchase, to move product like this.

Built NY really dumped it’s merchandise on the Woot! procurement department, didn’t they?

Free shipping is why I bought a product like this :slight_smile:

I already own one of these from a side sale. Love it, so I’m getting another. Fits the camera just right :slight_smile:

How about a BUILT bag for all my BUILT bags?

That’s a pretty fancy lookin’ camera in the case there! What brand is that? I don;t think I’ve seen it before.

What kind of camera is that?!?! I’d like to know if mine fits.

Another hour gone by, another bag being offered, but not the bag everyone is waiting for.

It kinda looks like one of those cigarette cases old ladies use to carry their Virginia Slims.

I still dont have a camera to fit this case but bacon still does.

where is the world is the bag o crap?

I liked this company better when it was “BUKT NY.”


Oh you remember its the one that has modeled all of the BUILT NY Camera Bags today.

Rip Taylor is not a woman thank you very much.


The color choices are why I did not.