BUILT NY Kindle Reverse Neoprene Sleeve

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

BUILT NY Kindle Reverse Neoprene Sleeve
$9.99 + $5 Standard OR $8 Two-Day OR $11 One-Day Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!


Could have sworn I saw this on the last woot off…

It’s cool looking but I get bored of my sleeves so fast I am better off buying them from five below. Cheaper that way. For someone with a longer attention span, this is a good deal.

THAT, my friends, is an example of an item worthy of the phrase “uglier than home-made sin.”

How have I spent this much money in this Woot-off more than all previous Woot-offs combined?? Curse you Crapbeard! I think this whole treasure hunt is to lure us in, we are the fools!

They know their consumers so well…

That is exactly what it is for…
Treasure map won’t lead you to a Bag of weed - I mean - bag of crap. Just makes you look closer at the items for sale. A second glance is a second chance for woot to sell you the junk! Smooth marketing move.

PS. What map piece are we on?

This won’t fit the new 8.9" Kindle Fire. Just an FYI.

I have six…

JD Are you in College Station too? I am in the middle of writing my Ph.D. Preliminary Exam and this whole woot! off is just too distracting…


Same price as the company’s website?

[MOD: Shipping = $6.95. You have $5 all day shipping here]

I just bought a level off home.woot, will I use the level…probably at some point…do I need a level? No. But at $9.99 I do!

Good catch. That one says it’s for the Keyboard version of the Kindle. The woot picture shows a touch screen, but the dimensions are the same on both sites. Confusing.

I actually graduated in December '11, so I’m in Houston working now. Well, technically I’m in Houston wooting right now, but don’t tell. LOL

So this amounts to basically 2 bucks cheaper on the shipping… lame.