Bunker of Curiosity

Bunker of Curiosity
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Tuesday, Nov 15 to Friday, Nov 18) + transit
Condition: Surprisingly Crappy


Buy It](http://sellout.woot.com/offers/bunker-of-curiosity) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/amazon.png

Search Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=Bunker of Curiosity) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/google.png

Search Google](Bunker - Google Shopping of Curiosity)

Did you miss it? Here are some Crappy Tips

1. Stay Logged In - When the current item reaches 5%, log out of woot and log back in to keep your session fresh
2. Keep your cart clean - Clear out any sold out items from your cart
3. Use WootStalker - It significantly increases your chances


And here I thought I’d get to taunt my wife a second time.

Easiest BoC ever!!!

In fer uno!!!

Think I’m going to let this one pass. My crap has been too crappy in the past.

Yay finally got one! it’s been forever since I was fast enough! bag of crap woo hoo!

I just happened to be window shopping and this appeared…yay!!!

Still here? There is a million of these?

My first BOC ever after countless attempts! It was too easy, though, so the excitement is already gone.

Thank you, oh thank you Woot, I have had a CRAPPY week and I really, really needed this one! Missed out last week, but you were kind to me tonight. I am forever grateful!

You always remember your first crap…congrats!

YAY marlene! Aren’t we lucky?

This Bunker of Curiosity has me curios. I’m in.

I was reading through TT’s happy hour posts and saw the Bunker of Curiosity when I got to the bottom of one of the pages. Didn’t expect that it was still live - score!

What a great way to start a long weekend.

I’m not sure how this happened. I was clicking through from fb to read the rules to win a hammock and ended up with a yellow button instead. But I’ll take it! Woo-hoo, belated birthday bag of crap! Way better than the viral infection my nephew gave me…at least I hope it is. Sometimes it’s hard to tell with Woot.

My first as well, after years of trying.

We are!!! I think we need a special badge, like a Christmas Tree or something holiday related bag of crap, don’t you??

Unbelievable! I picked up my phone, to make a phone call, and I got a notice of a BOC on Woot. Had to get on the website, hit the button, I WANT ONE, then it said I had to sign in. Tried it once, said it was the wrong password, typed the exact same password in again, so I know this is futile, no chance. But finished signing in, hit the buy button, knowing for sure is already sold out. But …wait … it’s. saying they took my order, they gave me an actual order number! 10 years on this site, and this will only be my 2nd BOC, having got my 1st one only a few months ago. AMAZING! An ordinary person, without knowledge of bots, nor any special high speed connection, I got it with my Samsung phone! Wheeee! Thanks Woot!

A BOC AND your phone didn’t explode - sounds like a win/win!