Cables Unlimited Bluetooth Dongle

oooooooooooooooooh, I always wanted a dongle.

Mommy, I asked that man for a treat and he gave me a dongle.

what would i use it 4

If I can’t figure out what I would need one of these for, I guess I don’t need it…Right?

not to sound too stupid but what good would bluetooth do for a computer that wireless can’t.

Love the Dr. Seuss writeup. Awesome! Too bad I couldn’t care less of my bluetooth was dongled.

Can I use this on a mac? I have an old mac mini without bluetooth.

didn’t even look at the username and knew it was you.

My spurs go dingle dangle dongle…

How tempting… should I buy 2?

This woot-off is one big dongle…

i don’t want a dongle

so…whats this for?

Too bad my batch of limoncello isn’t done yet.

dongle, hehehe… hey Beavis, they said “dongle”

dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle

they make money off the shipping dont they?

you lucked out this time, you leet vet you

In for two!

so what else can u do with bluetooth?..