Can’t see the forest…

Don’t be silly. He’s hacking MY account.


This shirt is great. Really it’s amazing.

It’s also the victim of bad timing. I’ve spent up my entire wardrobe-replacing budget. My only hope is for it to survive until the next wootoff where I will hopefully be able to snag it on the sale they have sometimes.

But it people! It’s classy.

My… my brain hurts…

I was so happy to see this as the first comment.

I can hear the Owl woot.

No! It’s a political statement shirt dealing with the problem of invasive species coming in and wiping out native animals!

Fight the koala!

MC Escher Raps

René Magritte would probably also be proud. He has a similar painting. I believe it’s called “carte blanche”

Anyway, The first music I thought of was “the grand illusion” album by styx, which has similar artwork.

There’s also that Weird Al song, though. In which the city’s name is actually spelled right out, letter by letter!

A! (A!)
L! (L!)
B! (B!)
U! (U!)


Oh, well that’s probably better. Less trouble for him…and less bunny shirts. :smiley:

I might be a loser (or not?) but I think I’d love this more if it was just random animals and trees, minus the illusion. It’s still totally wearable, though! Gonna sleep on it. I can finally afford shirts now (yay job) but I don’t really have time to go out and wear them anymore (boo job).

just not a fan… sorry Woot this creame tee with little to no forethought fails

I’ve never wanted to commit suicide more in my life.

How come Paul gets to draw a bunny and we don’t???

There are medications for this condition. Please call your doctor in the morning and find out more.

My precise reaction.

I say the front trees are leaning back and the back trees are leaning forward.

Oh dear, the artist is going to feel like a complete prawn when he realizes he drew the tops and bottoms in the wrong places!


I could wear this while enjoying a thermos of hot ham water in my stair car. But I’d probably get a lot of hop-ons.

Looks great, i like the fine detail of the trees! There are so many shirts with just flat surfaces.