Cardo Bluetooth Headset

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Cardo Bluetooth Headset
$2.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Cardo S-640 Clip-On Bluetooth Headset

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New Cardo Bluetooth Headset, for $2.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Cardo S-640 Clip-On Bluetooth Headset

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A wired bluetooth headset?

a great website to kill time with during the wootoff killers

lol blue tooth with a earpiece?

seems a little flimsy. but it’s also $3 a piece… so…

Wow…things are screwy.

now I can look stuck up and out of date at the same time!

why is the status bar broken :confused:


Do those “wide” earbuds fit anyone’s ears? No one I know.

might think about a stereo one of these…

Not even worth the shipping.


how dumb is that, c’mon woot give us something cool.

Got one of these last boc. They are really good, good clarity and real easy to use

The button only works when I don’t want the item?

How do it know?

ok guys buy 3 and hand them out for lil kids and there ps3’s

this is so you don’t look like a dork with that other bluetooth thing attached to your head. Now you can look like a dork with a earpiece and a wire sticking out of your head.

If it were just a receiver that switches between MP3 and your phone, and I could put in my own headset, I’d be all over it. But alas.