Cards Against Humanity

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Cards Against Humanity
Price: $12.49
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Wednesday, Apr 19 to Thursday, Apr 20) + transit
Condition: New


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
11/28/2016 - $14.95 (Woot-off) - Click To See Discussion (7 comments)

2/6/2017 - $14.95 (Woot Plus)
1/20/2017 - $14.95 (Woot Plus)
12/4/2016 - $14.95 (Woot Plus)

Do NOT buy this for family gatherings!! It’s a hoot for friends!

I’d prefer if it was the bigger, blacker box…but love this game!

Send one to Donnie Trump!

I mostly agree, but you have to consider the family. I played this this weekend with my mother (72), brother, niece and sister-in-law. We had a blast, especially since my mom kept pulling cards and saying “I can’t play this.” But she did play them in the most glorious moments and it was a hoot.

We’re kinda warped though. Your average family might not fare so well. It’s definitely and adult game.

My old roommate stole my last set. In for 1. If we don’t end up playing with it, it makes a great grab/yankee swap gift.

Please buy them so we can move on!!!

I agree.

At Thanksgiving, my mother got every card dealing with eating the booty.

It was hilarious.

Your parents are people too. they like to laugh at dirty jokes.

In for 1 so I don’t have to worry about loaning my personal one out to drunk people who want to borrow it!

I haven’t been here in awhile so I have bought one to assist with moving on to the next item :slight_smile: Now that I have to buy more to take advantage of the shipping