Careful With That Crap, Eugene

Careful With That Crap, Eugene
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Wednesday, Jan 21 to Thursday, Jan 22) + transit
Condition: Really Crappy


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Not even a chance to hit the “I want one” button!!!

Finally got one.

and server error this time

it just did it to me again where it send me to a sold out page when it wasnt sold out. Stirke 3 im out

Why do I even try???

What a waste of time… No wonder why I no longer shop here… Especially for the impossible bags of shits…


wtf… I look down for 5 min and those sound bars sold out and missed the BoC

Preposterous! Refreshed like a madman and the page loaded sold out. Woe is me!

I think that one came online as sold out…lol

Good. Glad someone is!

I was refreshing like crazy until the bag popped up and it sold out before I could even add it to my cart.

Nah, it came up as sold out. Just a matter of refreshing at the EXACT correct time…

Thank you Woot! Was able to score my BOC, let’s see if hubby gets his. lol

The state of Idaho did good this time…

i went to check out and i got that item is not for sale yet dont try to cheat the wootoff

This is kind of silly, every other one. So now everyone with the ordering bots or whatever will be ready with their multiple accounts. I was F5ing and it when it popped up it was already sold out, I don’t know how that’s even possible when it takes a few pages for it to be ordered.

Added to my cart, but when I sent to checkout it froze up and of course I didnt get it :frowning: