Case Logic PVT-15 Flexible Tripod

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Case Logic PVT-15 Flexible Tripod
$5.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Case Logic PVT-15 Flexible Tripod

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Price comparator post ! - Is this a good deal ? Let’s see ! :slight_smile:

New Case Logic PVT-15 Flexible Tripod, for $5.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Case Logic PVT-15 Flexible Tripod

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same as yesterday?


Wasn’t this already sold?

isnt this a repeat?

B of C ?
Your Sources suck!

Dollar store


pssshhhh no thanks…

flexible tripod is flexible.

Nice, I can so use this…NOT

Ladies, this one is for you.

No carp. :frowning:
