Centerpoint Spectre Compound Crossbow

Centerpoint Spectre Compound Crossbow

I am trying to figure out exactly what this is. When I do a Google search on Centerpoint Spectre Croosbow, all that comes up is something called a Spectre 375. They look similar, but the Spectre 375 has different marking on the Bow. It says “Spectre375”. This one says something like “Specialist570” (It is difficult to read).

I would like to buy one, but not unless I know what I am buying.

I believe this is the CenterPoint Specialist XL 370, seen here on Amazon:

Thanks, and I agree. But I am confused why they are saying it is a Spectre which is a higher end unit. That is going to get them some unhappy customers.

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Can we get an answer on any of these questions @ThunderThighs? Does the scope come with it?

Hi all. Sorry for the confusion. We had an incorrect image. We were selling the Spectre 375. Scope is included.