Centon Electronics 512GB USB 3.0 Datastick Sport

Centon Electronics 512GB USB 3.0 Datastick Sport
Price: $89.99
Shipping Options:: $6 Standard
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Condition: New


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Sorry but my experience with this brand is just walk away.

I had a different experience with a Centon drive. Served me faithfully for several years, then all of a sudden died. For those years (3 or 4), it was reliable and the rubber case was great against drops (a couple), pocket lint, and some coffee spills.

Two gripes. Like most reviewers from the mothership, found this drive to be slow. And the design for this “rugged” flash drive is awful because it is so darn wide. As in, if you have two USB ports next to each other, you lose one when this is plugged in. Besides the price being so high (you can get a 2TB backup drive for this price or less), the width is a big reason for me to stay away from this deal.