
Wow, can’t believe all the battery bunny elitism!

I’m old enough to remember both set of commercials and how funny it was when the first EB commercial linked above came out comparing itself to the DB commercials.

Now we know that EB had a coconspirator. Is what we are seeing here really a confession of industrial sabotage?

The Energizer bunny was subtle swipe at the Durcell bunny, as their bunny, not Durcell’s that keeps on going, and going… This bunny stopped long enough for its battery to be stolen, so clearly it is a Durcell bunny.

Congrats on the print, it is a clever take on an old fable.

To be honest i just like the turtle! lol

Awww! Mr. Turtle looks so pleased with himself!

So… serial, not parallel, huh?

Yeah really! Where are the energizer batteries!!

In for 1. I’ll just tell people to look up the Duracell Bunny on Wikipedia!

Today’s shirt makes me glad to be German. We only got the Duracell Bunny, so no confusion this side of the Atlantic Ocean. To be fair, I last saw a Duracell Bunny about 15 years ago, so I’m not sure anyone will remeber . . .

Only you young whippersnappers solidly equate the bunny with Energizer (which is admittedly easy to do) since Duracell did it first. Personally I don’t think the look of the battery really matters, it’s still a funny shirt.

Okay, now that we’ve explained the bunny reference, can someone fill me in on the satyr line from the “Don’t wear this shirt” bit? I feel like I should be getting it, but I’m not coming up with a reference.

if this had been an AA shirt (flattering fit) I would have totally bought one - it goes with my two other shirts by this artist.


I found an old Duracell bunny ad on youtube. I do remember this now that I watched it. Cut the artist some slack. He is from Europe, where they don’t have the Energizer Bunny. Also, the turtle looks so cute, it really shouldn’t matter. Here’s the ad:

I see someone else posted several other Duracell bunny ads upthread. Eh, so what’s one more? :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, yeah. Stupid Energizer ripped the bunny with the drum idea off, and ran with it. Duracell should have gotten that license.

The Duracell Bunny actually DOES predate the Energizer Bunny: Duracell commercial [1983] - YouTube

35 years old and amazed that everyone has forgotten that the Energizer Bunny was a NOT SUBTLE swipe at the Duracell Bunnies. The Energizer Bunny started as a blatant reference to Duracells ads.

I want this just for the expression on the turtle’s face. He’s SO cute!

After reading these comments and the wikipedia thread, I’d be more inclined to buy if something hinted that the turtle was running on Energizers…it would have added another layer of meaning to the shirt.

It’s adorable! I want it!! I want it so bad!

But not badly enough to buy a shirt that looks like I’m wearing a burlap sack. sigh

I’ve got it! Bunny/Turtle shirt… called cheater… sound like anyone we know? Naolito are you trying to make a very subtle point?

Of course I may be stretching things a bit.

Go! Move it, will ya? Aww, you’re lettin’ him blow right by ya! Can you believe this guy? Come onnn. Don’t just - ninja kick the damn rabbit! Do something!

Like shirts on Shirt.Woot never need any explanation to those who aren’t familiar with the backstory…