Clear2O Water Filtration Pitcher – 2 Pack

we are drowning with these filters! bring back the bag o’ crapolah!

what the heck??

Will this make my scotch taste better?

Viva la woot off!

nooooooooo booooooooooo

if you cross your eyes and stare at the two pictures, it looks like it is in 3-D

I’m still mad I came 1 hour late from school to see that that 1 hour I could have gotten a BoC.

Has Amnesty International investigated these clowns? This is cruel and unusual!

A Woot-Off without spinning lights…

I feel like I’m shopping at Walmart, and suddenly the power goes out. You can still shop, but its eerie.

woots new order entry center

And now we wait till they produce something fun to buy. GAY!!!

I want a chance at c r a p ! c’mon woot do it again!!

Is is really over??? the lights are off…

Okay, now is back to acting like it’s a Woot Off, so that’s a good sign. Still no lights :-o.

I enjoyed this post quite a bit. Thank you sir.

without the flashing lights it means its the last woot-off item doesn’t it?

Sorry, this is my first woot-off sleep-deprived session.


THAT IS ALL I WANT. ALL. That’s all. It’s all I’ve been trying to get, and I have literally JUST MISSED every single one.

PLEASE tell me that someone bought three just to move the woot along. I will buy it off you.

Isnt this what started it all on Weds night? Im sure someone will scroll through the blog and tell me.

Is this it? End of a 3-day Woot off? I only got one Woot… the mother of all Woots… my very first bag of crap!!! I love you Woot!

no brita no go.