Clif Climber kit’s killer cab 2006 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon

Clif Climber kit’s killer cab 2006 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
$59.99 + $5 shipping
PRODUCT: 3 2006 kit’s killer cab Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
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Previous offer:

Not a bad price for three. has it for $36.99 per bottle!

Can anyone who purchased this in July chime in with a review?

Well wootoff got me again. in for one.

in for 1. I have enjoyed my other Cliff Climbers!

I hope it’s a drink now though…

Sooo… should I save these for next summer and take a bottle of this on long bike rides instead of a bottle of sports-drink?

I mean, if Clif makes it, right? Waiting for reviews of the “fruit-forward artificial mountain-berry taste, with hints of Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Raisin powerbars, and a slight protein-shake finish that leaves you hydrated and performance-ready”

Looks like you can pop it now as its a good drinker for another 2 years.

No WV so I can’t get here, No MD so I can’t ship it to my daughter. Finally an offer that saves me money

Last offer: 119 woots
Any of you buyers want to rat?
Any cork issues?

I lol’d, but no, no! You take this on your fall and winter rides to keep warm with!

I’m sure someone’s paired energy bars with wine before.

Camping! Camping! :slight_smile:

My account can’t afford this, but dang… I have liked my previous Clif wines and I’m plum out

…THIS girl has! :wink: Pairs very well with the chocolate mint Clif protein bar. Just sayin’…

I still have two in the basement from the last offering. I liked the one I drank, enough to pick up some more this time around. I remember it being pretty fruity/jammy, but not overbearingly so. DEFINITELY needed some aerating and/or decanting, opened up really nicely after 45 minutes or so, and I think there was a glass worth leftover the next day that had opened up even further. Worth the price IMO, but likely not a cellar wine.

Sounds good. I’ve liked the Clif Climber Red - in for one. Woot #100!!