Clif Climber White 2008 - 6 Pack

Ah, wouldn’t it be better to just take a few bars? (Unless these are really long rides, in which case, I understand completely.)

Why did wine.woot start a woot-off with an offer that not only hasn’t sold out after an hour, but also looks to require until 8 a.m. to clear out? This isn’t a friendly way to treat the wine.woot night-owls!

Sav. Blanc and Pinot Gris?? That is right up my alley. This will be our Thanksgiving wine I think!

Maybe because they wanted to go home to sleep and knew that we wouldn’t buy these out until morning?

I’m tempted, though I normally prefer reds and don’t have much room until I actually build the rack that I’ve been planning in my head.

Edit: ok, guys, I did my part in getting past this item; the rest is up to you.

$2.99-$3.99 in the Bay Area. Pass. Good wine, though!

Well this should kill the woot off.

My crystal ball is working gloriously tonight, I was just thinking it was time for a wine.woot off :wink:

More than 2 hours into the wine woot-off and, based on the bar chart, maybe 20% of the first wine offered has been sold. No excitement, no anticipation, no nothing, nada. WineDavid, please alert the marketing geniuses that this ain’t no way to run a woot-off.

Not to derail the woot-off, but where is the Clif Climber going for $2.99-$3.99 in the Bay Area?

WTH? I just found out my horrible state of NM was just taken off the list of states that could receive wine. I hate this state.

Here’s an adorable puppy while you wait.

who drinks white wine in the fall?


It’s now more than 3 hours into the wine woot-off and, based on the bar chart, maybe 40% of the first wine offered has been sold. No excitement, no anticipation, no nothing, nada. Over on the main woot site, merchandise is coming and going quickly. WineDavid, please alert the marketing geniuses that this ain’t no way to run a wine.woot-off. Don’t call me at home, because I’m giving up and going to bed.

Got mine last friday from the 9/20 wootoff. It’s solidly drinkable. Not my favorite white picked up from here (that distinction so far goes to the Tricipidis minataur’s chalice), but it’s pretty good.

Make it bounce.