Correlation between being a leftie and a geek

Um, is this why you’ve suddenly come back to talk to us? Are you writing a paper? Doing a little research?

LOL…slow day on my rotation…

But if I were to write a paper it might be something like this:
“The wooters are an interesting representation of Freud’s id, ego and superego as they…”

Actually I have no idea what I was talking about. Maybe I should spend my free time studying…NAAAAAAAH

Don’t be silly, you just study when the pressure’s on.

Quite true. Pressure makes me actually get motivated…that and the thought of failing my next test and having my butt kicked by my parents :stuck_out_tongue:
(disclaimer: actually, I am not a bad student, and neither are the other med students. Please do not fear us when we become real drs).

No problem. If I’m not mistaken, you’re in Texas. And I’m not.

When I was a PhD student, taking classes with the med students, we heard the joke several times:
“What do they call the lowest grade point graduate from medical school?”


Doctor Doctor give me the news
I’ve got a bad case of sniffin’ glue
No pills’ gonna cure my ill
I gotta bad case of sniffin’ glue

My dad was a leftie and he was a geek. Back then it was ham radio and stamps.