Crash our Servers


Server no crashy. Sad for you. CRAPPY for me! Thanks!

Yes! Got one!

Sweet. Second one ever.

So close but so far away!
How did the servers do?

Same here. Hope it worked.

Just decided to check in on Woot late in the day for any new merch and what to my dazzling eyes did appear - a Basket of Cashews soon to be sent here!

I think you need a bigger load for your server performance testing. Why not through another bag up and see how far you can push it.

Luckily I’m able to check twitter constantly at work, that heads up definitely helped. Looking forward to my second BOC :D.

Yes! Thanks woot stalker app :blush:

Had it in my cart but it sold out. Aww.

Second test I’ve been here for and second bag I’ve helped crash the servers with. Can’t wait to be disappointed!

Thanks for helping us test our servers. Unfortunately, someone forgot to flip the test switch so we have to do it all over again.

But what site?

The “tools” site. We will participate without question.

EDIT: Unless we already got one. Pesky rules and all.

After a few years of trying to get in one of these, finally!

Cant wait to see what they send out.

So these weren’t supposed to happen?

Are these happening?

Gosh, people will be so disappointed to hear that. Well done, Woot.

Ah, it will be on kids.woot in 10-15, according to a tweet.

Blabber mouth. :tongue:

Well, did you want to crash the servers or not? I’m just doing my part.

Besides, Woot’s Twitter tattled first. I was able to help my friend get another bag, so she’s pretty jazzed.

GIDDYUP!!! I scored a BOC!!!