Cuisinart 3½ Qt. Slow Cooker


I added slow cookers into my cart TWICE on woot and both times I waited a day or two and those little things sold out. Well, they were large things like 7-quart capacity but dang. Must be high demand around this holiday season? Tofurky slow cooking?

Anyway I friggin love this thing. I never want to cook with anything else but this thing.

I live with one other roommate and so far the 31/2 quarts is PLENTY. And you can remove the ceramic pot from the rest of the apparatus to use as a serving dish and it looks soooo fancy. Also makes the apartment smell like glory-baked chicken. Comes with a handy recipe book with tips on how to cook different meats the right away.

All I need now is a deep fryer and my kitchen dreams will be complete.

Also this site is probably where you’ll find the best cheapest deals for this kind of kitchen hardware. This the real deal, the truest MVP.

All you other slow cooker owners need to come out of the woodwork and yodel these praises with me. Where you at?