Dark Side of the Candy Corn

The perfect Halloween design for Candy lovers, Halloween lovers, Children, Music lovers, AND Physicists!!!

A simply cool design.

Everyone knows that candy corn is a black hole of dense matter that nothing, not even light, can escape.

Anyone else see the thumbnail for this shirt, immediately laugh and say, “Hehe, I get that one!” ?

My favorite Halloween candy and my favorite Pink Floyd album neatly packaged on one tshirt! Yeah, I’m one of those candy corn eating crazies.

As long as the corn comes sans children, I’m in.

Prismic candy. Good name for a rock band.

Ya’ll know about the Nobel prize in physics being awarded, went to the Higgs boson scientists. Higgs boson scientists share physics Nobel prize | Peter Higgs | The Guardian

Woot should run a special on their physics-y shirts to celebrate.

•Manufactured In: Honduras

I heard a rumor that if you sync up this album, it goes along perfectly with Nightmare Before Christmas.

Of course that might just be a candy induced hallucination rumor.

I wouldn’t have figured that one out even if the wearer told me it was a Halloween shirt.

Autumnal poison
Waxy bone meal - corn syrup
Last year’s trash…again

(Candy Corn Haiku)

Nice work, Fishbiscuit! I wish I was made of money, because there is a bunch of different Halloween shirts I would buy, this week. Unfortunately, I am broke, at the moment.

Great idea, but I’m sure someone would complain because it’s anti-christian.


Can anyone tell me if the Women’s T-shirt is tailered?

This sure looks like the tote for the expert candy collector.

Why doesn’t Woot offer zippered hoodies anymore? :frowning:

Will wear this shirt to a Trekky convention.

Clever, clean + way too sweet

? Really? God made physics. I’m Christian and I suggested it. People complain. I guess it’s what they do.

Hoodies and t-shirts and totes, oh my! Thanks for including me in Hallowoot, woot, and for putting my design on some pretty cool products. :smiley: