Derby #354: Double Take Derby 24

Just this clever little penguin for me.

Thanks! I will try next week.

No, Woot picks a handful of entries after each derby for honorable mention. The every few months they have a derby that just features these previous designs, no new entries.

Every derby woot selects Honorable Mentions. Those entries are then collected in an oak barrel and aged properly until the double-take derby which starts tomorrow.

So all the entries have already been selected for this derby, no new ones are accepted. You can work ahead for the next derby in 2 weeks though !

That is actually nifty. The more you know rainbow

I have a thing!

Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh I want that CINTIQ soooooooooo badly. And a whole week to prepare? Huzzah!!

Sadly, I do not have any entries in this double take.

Great prizes for derby #355! A CINTIQ would be awesome. I have 6 in this double-take. Would have loved to see the purple derby HMs included.

Yeay! I’ve got one :slight_smile:

And wowers-a Cintiq!

I’ve got one!

OK, I’ll throw my hat in the ring.

I think I have three:

This is awesome! Thanks for the extra notice on fortune and bravery.

Yay, I have one too :slight_smile:

Here’s my preliminary “bravery” design. Far from complete, and I’m considering a caption like “I don’t see size” Any thoughts?

see more of my designs, or find me on Twitter

I think it’s just this one this time:

I have two! Yay!

I’ve got these =^_^=

“faint heart never won fair lady” (or prizes)…cool derby theme

Can anybody please help me what does Double Take Derby means? What is the theme of this derby? Thanks.