Derby #404: True Love

Oh noooo!! I did that a couple derbies ago. Hang on to it! When you need it, eezy peezy. Done. :slight_smile:

Giving votes or even talking to others. Iā€™ve noticed some artists donā€™t EVER respond to comments. Are they robots?? lol

I know you arenā€™t referring to me with this spud talk. Keep me out of your delusions if so.

Wait, isnt ichabodx a troll? Heā€™s the one who complains whenever Fable submits, right?

There would be no way of knowing that there is a fake votor unless one had staff privileges. Right?

You canā€™t be the spud in question. Clearly, if you had tons of fake accounts youā€™d use them on something better than those ā€œplay fairā€ designs. :slight_smile:

What is a fake account and how do I get one?!!

Thanks Lpyne and Oakenspirit!

Pretty much. Heā€™s seemingly the last of the abrasive ones here ā€¦

Yes - theyā€™ll have the user/IP logged.

That doesnā€™t preclude those who will simply autovote for their favorite artist(s), though. Was it happening in the past? Iā€™m pretty sure of it, but there was a sizable customer base that made up for it. Nowadays, that customer base has dropped significantly ā€¦

Agreed Boots. Tater is NOT that guy. Iā€™d take that bet to Vegas.