Derby #413: Tuxedo Tees

Just for clarification, are you looking strictly for shirts that resemble tuxedos? What if my own twist was a group of flightless birds in evening wear?

Yeah, please clarify

We envisioned the derby as shirts that resemble tuxedos, but that’s pretty limited so if your shirt is clearly ABOUT tuxedos that will work too.

Thank you, sir.

Sorry folks, its been done:

And for the love of all that is good. The TARDIS cannot be turned into a tuxedo.

HA! That was hilarious.

Here’s a preview of my entry. Hopefully the Hubs can upload it for me on time - I’m in a big meeting at work all day today :frowning:

And I thought my design was SOOO original…then I saw this. Sorry krittikae I have a very similar entry this week. Great minds think alike amirite?

Dang! Ah well, I’m sure yours will look great!

Shirt.Woot artists will find a way.

I want to see a Men in Black reference. I’m sure someone can come up with it.

… and a well done entry to that challenge too!


Thanks, Narfcake!