Derby Candidates In Dead-Heat Shocker!

I hope that’s sarcism, because if not… worst arguement ever. Does that mean that Garfield owes royalties to Tom and Jerry because they’re both cats. The snowmen is a blatent rip off of a artist’ style and creations.

Just to go on the record, regardless of the “Vol Mod” by my name, I am as far removed from anything to do with contest as you or any other forum member. My opinion/posts are as meaningful(less) as yours.

Watterson almost never explicitly separated the obs of his snowmen. Most of the time the lower sections were more squared off than orb shaped. Watterson certainly is by far the best known anthropomorphic snowman artist, but I do have to agree with jamescho84 that there are limitations to how many different ways to draw a classic snowman. The more I looked to find similarities between the two styles, the more I found differences.

My point of showing the phoenix, notwithstanding the fact that it’s much more intricate object to design & represent, is that there are some very clear similarities between the two in concept and style. I’m not using this as a point to say that the swallow design was lifted, more to illustrate that virtually any design is going to bear similarities to something already created or have some clear object of inspiration.

EDIT: for acpersons, not really sarcasm since I wasn’t attempting to actually suggest that Fire Swallower was not unique. The point was that something CAN be unqiue while being similar. The “Bird on Fire” theme will likely draw parallel to other similar works.

Get off your high horse. This is Woot’s contest, let them decide.

When you’re hired by Woot to decide things like this, let me know.

He isn’t in third…

Good grief. Quit talking out of your a**. There are very clear similariteis between the phoenix and the fire swallower? WTF? YOu a are moron if you really believe this.

i guess if laughing and crying sound the same, they must mean the same thing. :c)

I haven’t seen any proof of this snowman thing yet. All I keep hearing is “Watterson used sticks for his arms, and gave them mouths!! COPIER!!”

Somebody show me where Watterson drew this exact same design. They’re snowmen. They ALL look the same.

This guy drew a very nice, creative design that people are bashing without any good reason, from what I can see.

ahhaha, no worries man. Unicornlovah69 has been at it for the past few days. Let him vent

I believe the world is burning to the ground
oh well, I guess we’re gonna find out.

name this new tune. i found it to appropriate since the theme is both heat and at this point the results uncertain.

acpersons, a lot of us really love your design and i hope that we get the chance to buy it even if it isn’t the winner this week. Please try not to get too frustrated as you post…it could turn away your fans.

He’s still alive, someone call him and see if he cares.

Hey look, I voted for the snowmen, and I never expected to come so close to winning. I’m just a little frustrated by the guy comparing my art to the phoenix. It’s an empy argument, and he needs to leave my work out of it.

The prize money isn’t much, so my guess is that they’ll award the full amount to both. Also, Woot likes to keep customers happy and since there are pretty strong opinions on both of these entries, I’d say they’ll print both. However, I’d say they’ll set up some strict tie breaking rules to prevent this from happening again.

Here’s what I suggest for the shirt conditions: “Inspired” and Inspired

I think it’s valid. Shows you can find parallels if you’re looking for them. Some more than others around here are actively looking for them to the bitter end.

I would hope for a 2-fer, but I don’t see that happening, because if they offer a 2 pack for anything more than the standard $10, fewer people will buy if they don’t want to pay for shirt they don’t like. If they offer both for $10, woot is pulling in a good deal less money.

My guess? Both shirts will be available. Perhaps one from 12AM Friday to 12PM Saturday and the other from 12PM Saturday to 12AM Monday.

u shouldnt be talking, newb!

That seems to make the most sense from a programming standpoint (that or offering both for $10 but that’s not economical for them). It would be a pain to rewrite the programming to accomodate multiple choices before tonight…

A. I just posted a picture of a Watterson snowman. Go back into the main thread for even more. Same line style, same facial details, same pretty much everything.
B. They DON’T all look the same. Out of all of the snowmen entries, that was the only one that looked even remotely like Bill Watterson’s snowmen. This argument is the weakest one. There’s 1000 ways you can draw a snowman, Cho picked the exact same one as the guy he was mimicking.
C. The fact that everyone calls it the “Calvin and Hobbes” entry, even the people that support it, should speak volumes.
D. It’s not even that creative. Melting snowmen? It’s something I would expect to see in a Hallmark store or on an old ladies sweater. Search for melting snowmen on Google and see how many entries come up. There’s 2 dozen entries that deserved to win over that one.

I’ve won two HM’s in the regular contest. I used to get frustrated with the judging because I can’t seem to break into the money. Now I wish we had the Woot people doing the judging again since all the people seem to want to vote for is the stuff that’s ripped off from something else. I guess that’s democracy for ya.


I’m not going to argue all of that. But if people are so upset over the “MOG! COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!!!” then why did it get so many votes?

That’s all it comes down to