Derby entry comments for Derby #109: School

Close up…

I used to day dream during math that i could float away HHAAH

i don’t get it. i tried saying it slower, mumbled, etc but i just dont get it. please explain.

this is my favorite. this was me in school.

I know we’ve all felt this way while sitting in class. It’s hardest at the beginning of the year when the memories of summer vacation are fresh in your mind…

Well, no, I think it’s harder near the end when you can almost grasp the freedom…

Or is it the hardest right in the middle when summer was so long ago, and you still have so many months of school ahead of you still?

Great style!


Oh, you’re tricky. But is it really a chart if it’s not shown on a piece of paper, maybe even on a stand? Don’t know… I like it tho.

I like it! And like the greens.

Boots! I love the new look! The Rhinos are so cute :).

A parody of Matisse’s Blue Nude II and Icarus paintings. Poor guy gets stuffed in a locker. I always thought the twistiness of the painting looked like someone stuffed in a box.

Clarification- there is black, gray, yellow and red print on this- the “blue nerd” is the shirt coming through…

I think the title is confusing, but I do like the design.

HAHAH very cute!

The gradient in the clouds is really pretty.

SOMNI - School of Owl Meditation and Nocturnal Introspection

Thanks to everyone in the forums and Ehalycon for the name.

Votes and feedback appreciated!

Here’s a close up of the halftones to show that it is still indeed six colors. Thanks for looking! :slight_smile:

Yes, No, or Maybe

I’m claiming fair use with this one. Probably rejection bait anyway though. I got some more ideas to come later.

Awesome job with the balloons yodal! And sweet design overall.

Putting that song in my head - not a way to win friends!

agreed! hehe.