Derby entry comments for Derby #232: Motivation

In ancient times, explorers would set off into uncharted lands without fear of what might lie ahead. The thrill of adventure is what motivated them to travel to where others were too afraid to go. The title “Hic Sunt Dracones” is Latin for “Here there are Dragons” and was placed on uncharted areas of maps to signify the dangers that may lie there.

Ahhh, extremely pretty. I really like how you used neuron structures to tie the abstract sense of imagination to a literal thing.

Very creative work. :^)

This was a fun one! Great work Kev.

The only thing that would make this better is putting it on a cheerful yellow t-shirt! Super cute :slight_smile:

oh yeah…

Aw, thanks! I considered yellow but I was afraid many people don’t like that color. I hope you like the green! :slight_smile:

I do. Still have my vote!

Yes! Love it, Wencesloa.

Asphalt was the right choice! Great job!

super cute!

This is wonderful. I want to send shirts with this on it to each of the Presidential candidates for next year.

nice work, Walmazan :slight_smile:

So funny! :slight_smile: I love this lil’ guy!

Sometimes we need a push to be motivated. Sometimes we need half a dozen or more.

Sorry if this isn’t as obvious as it should be, but it made sense in my head. =)

Click for a better look!


Thank you and have a nice day!

Excellent! I love the color palette. Very eye-catching and unique.

Nice Design, way better artwork than mine, but…no text this week. You should re-submit w/out text!

This is wonderful. The linework is great and the colors really work together perfectly. Good luck!

what text are you referring to?

Very nice work, you guys. The colors really complement the lines and vice versa.

Epic sense of action.