Derby entry comments for Derby #323: Epic Fantasy

2 colors on silver

4 colors on black

This is really well done, but the anthropomorphic Pikachu kind of freaks me out.

Dang, this is great! I would buy this and wear it.

Great as usual. Reminds me of Serra Angel from MTG.

Yeah. Sexy Pikachu made a funnier doodle than a rendered piece. I might change it. I sort of knew this wouldn’t win anyways, so then again, I may not.


I don’t know, I think it has potential. If you just draw an “epic” Pikachu it could work. But then there’s always the risk of copyright issues if it looks too much like Pikachu, so idk.

thanks Alberto!

MOther of yosis! hope you like it :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah well clean it up without the block didn’t notice it hope it doesn’t effect on the scoring

THanksss :stuck_out_tongue:

Custom Sprite 6 color design. Any feedback is always welcome!!

Weirdly cute and fun! Love it.

Holy crap… his eyes. My soul…

Hahaha, awesome. Love the art style, nicely done!

Fan of the movie. Love this!

Just getting back into wind waker- this is perfect!

I like how at a distance the shirt resembles a certain helmet! :slight_smile: Love this-

EPIC! :slight_smile: