Derby entry comments for Derby #357: Meat

Hopefully I altered it enough to avoid getting rejected.

Yay, a BootsBoots entry! :smiley:

That’s pretty funny.

Great concept, great art! I love this!

love the style man. nice job

Yay! A Mavyn comment! :slight_smile:

“Is Made Of People”

Just a little Soylent Green shirt. =D

Awesome concept!

hahaha, cool one!

Professional rubber of the butts :wink:

You have plenty of talent. Cracks me up!

Lulz, it’s funny because it’s true.

I just can’t help getting hungry when looking at edible animals. Here is a bigger pic of the shirt.

Sweet revenge!

Love the action happening here!

cool design!

I love it, awesome mashup!!!

My only wish is that this was more specific to the types of butts I do rub.

I would never reject butts! Also I’m not the rejector so I guess that doesn’t mean much.

I love the pig! I kind of want just him on a shirt. Or maybe a pack of greeting cards. I’d use them for every occasion. :slight_smile: