Derby entry comments for Derby #375: 10k Cup, Round I: Halloween

wow so good!

ha, love it. very clever

I need this. LOL

GMV - Love the style! It’s an excellent homage.

Cute … GMV

Gorgeous, as always.

Still pining for your lightning Yoda design.

I so need these. It drives my wife nuts when I drop emoji into text messages, and these would be awesome in October!


this is so awesome!

Love it! I’ve just about worn out your Questionable Table of Elements. Even though I look awful in orange, I’d buy this if it prints.

Good luck!

Everyone’s favorite Shining actor… turned into a pumpkin.

Woe unto you the sour cream-less of society! For the hour is nigh and the crunchy shell hath become soggy!

GMV. It’s been a while since I’ve smiled this much a shirt possibility.

YES! Glow in the dark on orange AA! I hope you like my shirt/costume design. Please vote.


Love it!

Wow… quite awesome!

Nice one jamie! +1

wow! love Klimt but this one is awesome as well! +1


Thank you! I had to resist putting in some references to that one.
And, for the record, I think you look lovely in orange. :slight_smile: