Derby entry comments for Derby #40: Motherhood

Thanks so much for your support and kind words.

i added the text to the shirt itself; hopefully this will make the theme of the shirt more clear when the shirt stands alone. :slight_smile:

I like it! Good job.

I’m sorry to hear of your loss. It’s been quite amazing to see how many people in our little community here have been affected by cancer. I thank you (and your cats :slight_smile: for your vote.

I’d buy tickets to that. Heck, I’d host it if I also lived 30 minutes from you guys.

you should consider fixing the shells so they blend stylistically. harsh black lines don’t go with the rest of the piece.
also, your stick is hovering somehow. try adjusting your shadow so it hugs where you imagine the stick actually touches the sand


Thank you so much :wink:

I can see the last one holding a teddy bear, too–hmmm… Definitely some food for thought! :slight_smile:

Very nice!!

Wait, you actually said “smelled of elderberries” ? Way to preempt the woot filters. You know, those filters are there FOR A REASON. Now you’re just using the normally humourous replacement words as your own insults. This is how profanities become profanities! I’d say you have a dirty mouth, but you’re typing. You have dirty hands. Your mother should wash your hands out with soap. Yeah, I said it. Want to make something of it?

I figured something would do something like this. XP

Hmm… I wonder if that golden section shirt from the spring derby will be resubbed… that had multiplying bunnies as well. XP

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I had this idea. I was going to do the mummy pun. I was amazed that nobody else had yet. And now you’ve beaten me to it.

Well, my idea was very much different… I’ll see if I can do it anyway. I won’t have time until tomorrow anyway, and I’m not amazing enough to win with an on-time entry, let alone a late one…

I was quoting Monty Python, actually. :slight_smile:

Heheeh. Nice try. :slight_smile:

Excellent pun.

Was anybody else reminded of that treehouse of horrors episode (Simpsons) where the aliens were fended off by boards with nails in them?

Beautiful and sexy at the same time.
Nice work.

More than just genetics. More than just instinct. Motherhood is love. This shirt depicts the mother that is, the mother that was, and the mother to be.

You obviously have never slept with curlers on. Many women sleep with only one for their bangs, or one on each side, or some variation thereof. I can’t sleep with a full set of rollers, and I would need something stronger than coffee to help me in the morning.

Curse you, fablefire! My egg stands no chance. XP

I’m not familiar enough with Egyptian mythology either. Really, my only exposure to Egyptian and Norse mythology came from Age of Mythology. =P

I’m still hoping for SuperGeek mom entries, but in the mean time I’ll give you bonus points for the Monty Python quote. :slight_smile:

My grandmother would love your shirt, DK. She’s one of 5 sisters that lived into their 80s +, and while none of them (knock on wood) has had breast cancer, my Nana is fighting 3 (unrelated) forms of cancer. Plus she collects anything with kitties.

As for raising votes with nastiness, I seem to only be able to muster nastiness when my kids are refusing to do chores. So, go load the dishwasher already, and put away the eggs!

How about Mothers Against Deadbeat Daughters?

Changing the acronym doesn’t make it a parody, it demolishes any chance for humor. :slight_smile: