Derby entry comments for Derby #428: Minimalism

“Rock Star”

Space Music!

A tribute… Kinda obvious, but wanted to keep it minimal.

Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!! WTF

Well, do they, do they dream? Do they dream of electric sheep? Who? Androids, do they? Do they what?

If I weren’t crazy, I’d be insane! HA HA HA HA HA

Bird Lines.

Beautiful, and with only 2 colors…

Really clever


Minimalism win!

Mmmmm… [slobber]


And now that song is stuck in my head… :slight_smile:


That’s fantastic. Can’t believe nobody has ever done that before!

Trek + Minimalism = win!

Are these guys Canadians? hahaha, They remind me of how Canadians are portrayed on South Park. Great design!

Really nice. Reminds me of Harold and the Purple Crayon.

Fun and sharp!

Great idea – pop culture logofied!