Derby entry comments for Derby #501: Front Left Chest

Thanks, Collinvh! Hopefully people will still want to wear starwars shirts after TFA debuts. (JJ, I’m looking at you).

Thanks Carlhuber I spent a majority of my time on the pocket. Nothing beats a good reference.

Thanks yazmoq! The trick to shading is knowing your light source, understanding difference between cast shadows and transitional shadows, and using reflected light.

Light source: pick a point (usually top left or right) and get all your angles correct

Cast shadows and transitional shadows:
cast shadows are the ones cast by one object onto another. They usually have hard edges, especially closer to the object casting it.
Transitional shadows are the point on an object (like a sphere) where light transitions into dark. They define the texture of an object and are usually soft.

Reflected light:
All surfaces reflect light- some more than others. You should see a little halo on the underside of an object.

Follow this rules and you’ll never fail to impress!

Thanks oakenspirit!

Cheers simic!

His little BIG FOOTS :slight_smile:

Hehe yeah, not sure if many people have picked up on it ;). Perhaps too subtle.

Where’s the shameless plugging on that other site? :slight_smile:

The Ever-Elusive 'Squatch–tucked away in a pocket–has my vote! Love it :smiley:

Thanks! I’m keen to get my pirate on with this one if it gets made :slight_smile:

The addition of glasses so nobody recognizes him is genius!

I wanted to do a Hulk design. But came across a bodybuilder who calls himself Da Hulk. Thought I would try it out.

Thought this one was a fun idea. Hope you all like it. Happy Holidays!

Is the point of this to have a non-functioning QRcode?

it’s even on red… hehehehehe

Yeah, unfortunately copped a rejection though :frowning:

WANT THIS! awesome :slight_smile:

This would be great to wear with my parrot sitting on the OTHER shoulder.

Love this! Wish Woot! had done a derby after Nimoy’s death for him and Spock. I could have missed it though.

Soon after his death I adopted a laid back cairn terrier w big pointy ears and named him Mr. Spock. The young vet techs I’ve run into have no clue. They call him “Mr. Sprock” or “Mr. Spook”. Really? They haven’t even seen the rebooted movies? SMH. This is why the world is the way it is.

Would’ve been funny to have him “melting” down the shirt a bit.