Derby entry comments for Derby #582: Recipes

The recipe is in the code…

None shall pass…on this delicious treat!

LMAO I love this, Great job GMV

Thanks! My second Derby entry so here’s hoping.

They’re so happy about being eaten!


Thanks! Oh yeah, it’s Jake’s song. I tried to hit the AT style - thin fixed width pen and fun shapes but that’s probably not super obvious with just the food and utensils. :^)

I was just praying we wouldn’t get a sequel to Bok Bok Party Wok this derby. :^) Haha. This is cuter than it is disturbing (the bun drinking the syrup!) Nice one Fable.

gotta have bacon with pancakes!

that’s too funny!!

Not to be difficult, but I think you mean voilà and not viola. Although I’d be interested in seeing how to incorporate a viola into a revenge plot.

yum, good idea :slight_smile:

Now with less string instrument related violence. Thanks cheetahsquee !

Based on true life events

Dance time lol :wink:

Seriously cute art… i love that little mouse!

The bunnies will revenge against the foxes someday … right? Right?

Cute, and yet so wrong. GMV, Fable!


Don’t forget - guilt free. :slight_smile:

Super cute + great line art + a little bit of dark = fablefunny GMV