Derby entry comments for Derby #63: Art as Text

I like the idea, but can you use it? It seems like the phrase would be copyrighted or trademarked or something.

I like the way this turned out and the way it pops.

here is a larger detail of the dinos…

Very cool!

I support this shirt’s message

it’s not copyrighted… if i had included Joss’ little mutant guy it would be a problem, but the phrase itself has been used in comic books since at least the 50s.

Awesome design, soothed. You may consider changing the thumbnail to show off the design a little more.

you spy correctly… and thanks :slight_smile: when we watch Buffy on DVD we always wait for the Mutant Enemy logo to come on before cutting off the DVD. my wife and I both do the “Grr Argh” together. yes, we are Buffy (and Angel) geeks.

Truely awesome!

I have mustered every last ounce of mya rtistic talent this time around to brign you this masterpiece! The skills of an artist! Actually I just really like the idea of a simple but funny shirt like this. Most of the letter picture shirt concepts are not something I could ever see myself actually wearing or giving to someone above the age of 8. I figured a bit of tongue in cheek humor would make a much more wearable piece of clothing and I hope you all like it. (fixed this submission as my original one that was up for a few minyutes had incorrect detail image size… oops)

Hey all… If you’ve ever had to rake leaves, you know the havoc wind can be to your efforts…

I originally made this when I heard about the Bug derby theme. There was a no text restriction on that derby so I never submitted this design. I’ve reworked it a bit and am pretty happy with how it turned out. My wife won’t look at it because it gives her the creeps. That, to me, means my mission was accomplished!

So if you like the creepy crawlies or – even better – you know someone who HATES creepy crawlies that you can wear this shirt around, then please vote!

Very Nice! Love the play on words! GMV


Yeah, the exclamation was exactly what I needed to bring this all together. I must thank Brydesign on the forum for that.

WOW…that is amazing. Maybe the rest of us should bow out now…Ha! GMV I have another shirt I’m entering that hopefully can be this creative…again…WOW

I agree. This is great, but it’ll never get the attention it deserves. Hurry, quick, resub!

I am happy curious!

Wow, this is pretty good given the limitations of the derby.

This shirt is 7 shades of awesome. My only fear is that woot(!) has some sort of ‘halloween’ derby planned and will reject all halloween them,ed shirts before then (as has happened in the past)

This turned out great. The color scheme is perfect!