Derby entry comments for Derby #652: WOMEN!

love it!


She brought you into this world and she can take you RIGHT BACK OUT! She sees all, knows all and has the power to bring you to your knees with a single look before you go clean your room.

this is awesome +1

All heroes from the Marvel Universe. If you want to guess them, and not have the characters spoiled, look away!



super slick!


very nice

So great! +1

I thought about that, but the original logo had white behind all the wording, so in the end I chose tradition. Thanks for the feedback though!

super shiny,this looks great!

Oh! What’s the original?

Cursive F’s suck, FYI.

Can’t wait for the new movie! Helen Parr is my mom muse. <3


I’m a Voyager fan too! :slight_smile: +1

Where can I buy this?!!

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Thanks! If only I had thought of this however many derbies ago! :slight_smile: