digital camera recommendations

Hahaha, wrong mod…Ace is probably the one w/ the hairy chest. I haven’t touched that stuff. (Now, Johnie Walker Black or Blue…neat…that was worth the hairy chest.)

oooops, we go off-topic…

Gee, that’s never happened in a thread around here before!!!

Yeah…I bet Ace will be shocked!

heh…especially when she sees my post [:p]

cruzer’s rudeness aside
I have decided on a Canon.
I resaerched em and read reviews.
(yes I did too, cruzer)
I looked at how fast they would take pics, cause that is important to me.
Huge pixel size is not, since I’ll never blow pics up.
And yes, I bought a 1 gig SD card to go with …

This is a nice portable cannon . . .

Ooooo, I want one.

It’s on wheels, so I don’t care if it fits in my pocket… How much? Can it ZZzzzzzooooooom?

Dunno the price . . . . It won’t zoom, but it does BBbbbbbooooooom!

This is the Canon Cannon.


Hijacked again…

Does it matter? You’ve made a decision.

yeah, its like stealing a car with no gas.

and no wheels…

Yeah, it’s essentially just a scrap thread . . .


It’s sweet that you’re the sentimental kind . . . but this isn’t worth the sentimentality!!! It’s not like it’s PWA!!!


How’s today goin’ Ace?

Must be goin’ about the same as the past several days . . .