Digital Crap on the App

WOW @ThunderThighs, you are playing with [dragon] fire here! A Harry Potter item on a :w_light: Woot-Off day? Hope you have some magic spells to ward off a Moaning Myrtle server crash!

May the Woot-Off be profitable and without technical issue! (Well, maybe just one…gotta keep @wajeremy on his toes)

AND WHERE THE HELL IS @davejlives?

  • On vacation, and drunk
  • Fired for being drunk
  • On a two week bender and still going strong
  • In rehab
  • Okay already; enough with the drunk jokes. The man has a business to run

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Edit: drats both @muggins and @dafrogman beat me! I had it won but got all fancy in my post!