“Do Not Cross Police Line” Shower Curtain

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“Do Not Cross Police Line” Shower Curtain
$4.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Do NOT come in here! I’m trying to get a sample for my sperm test!!!

This is for the guy that just bought three of those sperm test kits, right?

stop , in the name of love



Where’s the blood? This sucks.

That’s how my tub already looks.

Hmm…Kinky or dirty?

need some privacy for your fertility test??


I’m not going to be able to justify spending 10 bucks on this, but it’s kind of cool. If I lived in a dorm or a frat house I’d be all over this.

things are getting weird

ha. awesome

Behind this curtain is where you’re supposed to test your home swimming kit :slight_smile:

it looks like the water would seep through that

dead body in teh tub…

Might want to use this if you are gonna use the previous item in the shower.

That really would tie the room together…