Do you know how to fish?

That’s called fishing with Dupont lures.


i loved in the 80s to Microfiche at the Library.

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lol… I still have one of those! That exact one as a matter of fact! I used it for schematic diagrams… ah… simpler times :cowboy_hat_face:

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I’ve been fishing for decades. On a good day I do a little catching too.


Give a man a fish and he can eat for the day. :innocent:
Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat drinking all day.


Everybody should be taught how to fish very healthy for you

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I can only ever catch a buzz too.

Thats me, with a hook and bait though!

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Go to store, buy fIsh. Lesson learned, Grasshopper. Now show me, earn money.

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Sailing peacefully across a river, the lone fisherman fishes without aid of a rod or reel using trained birds. The methods was first practised in 960 AD. Sometimes he also casts a net.

Another way to fish …on the go

Tourist trying to eat pickled herring in Norway.
Local takes possession …

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If you use a hook and bait the fish might disturb you while you are sitting, eating, and drinking. If you are using a hook you are doing it wrong. :rofl:

No they wont

I’d think skinning has the most potential for failure though. Nick the wrong organ and ruin the meat.

Gosh, i hope you are joking… lol
The organs should be completely gone before skinning. Removing the organs is called “field dressing” and is ideally done within moments of death.


And…The cat’s out of the bag, I am not a hunter.

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Gotcha. Yup. If I hadn’t grown up in it, I wouldn’t know this stuff either.