Eagle Creek Flip Switch Wheeled Backpack - Black

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Eagle Creek Flip Switch Wheeled Backpack - Black
Price: $49.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $10 Two-Day OR $20 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 days (Thursday, Jan 08 to Friday, Jan 09) + transit
Condition: New


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Wow, now that a lot of you are going to have a robot cleaning your floors, maybe you’ll have time to pack up for a vacation. And we’ve got just the thing for you…

Seems to be too large for carryon luggage.

Yea but it survives checked luggage abuse nicely, and goes anywhere in the car. My only complaint… I bought 2 when the price was 20 bucks higher.

So is it indeed to large for carry on???

Yup, too large to carry on. Most airlines only allow 21-22" bags, and this guy is 28". It is also too thick to carry on. I think the thickness limit is typically 8-9", this bag 13".