Ear Force Delta 7.1CH Wireless Headset

**Item: **Ear Force Delta 7.1CH Wireless Headset
Price: $89.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard OR $9 Two-Day OR $12 One-Day
Condition: Refurbished

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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
6/19/2013 - $98.99 (Woot-off) - 2 comment(s)

8/9/2013 - $89.99 (Woot Plus)
7/30/2013 - $89.99 (Woot Plus)
5/3/2013 - $99.00 (Woot Plus)

Is there a factory that collects all the earwax from refurbished headsets and make candles out of it?

Just wonderin’

Aubergine! Got it!

Good luck everyone.

I like the direction the linkage to the B OC is heading!!! The more difficult, the more fair!

How about a Cockney Rhyming Slang one?

I hate you woot, so much.

And the more awkward I become as I’m trying to move faster than my brain and body allow now. That one cracked me up, my mind was working but my hands were clumsy.