ECS LIVA Mini Box QC710 Desktop

ECS LIVA Mini Box QC710 Desktop


You’re stuck with Win10/11 on this one. Can’t find much on installing Linux, ChromeOS, or FreeBSD on this. Yeah, I know this is a Windows DevKit.


It is also very-very slow.


Popping extra $10-15 into bigger SSD may speed up things considerably. But for hardware along this deal seems pretty good

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Can the memory at least be upgraded? The boot drive is likely on board only.


Not upgradable :frowning:. But by looking into forum some people got lucky by receiving 8gb ram vs advertised 4. That’s a big difference.

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Hmm, worth it or not?

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No. Unless you want a dev kit for Windows ARM that is too slow to be a dev kit for windows arm.

Tried to find info on the HDMI to see if 4k was possible for sick curiosity and I could not find that information which does not look good.

I guess if you have a use case for it but I don’t think many people can think of one which is why it sits at this price

(As reference I am a software engineer, never for windows arm, so take that with all the salt you like)


I read somewhere the hdmi outputs 2k. No, just a cheapie desktop would be my purpose.

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