This after the tool kit? How would one explain this economically?
Emergency Holiday Provision Gift Package
$19.99 + $5 shipping
Condition: Red
Product: 1 Emergency Holiday Provision Gift Package
CT link above
Previous offer:
EHP gift package (12/7/09)
Original offer of the EHP:
This headwaiter’s wine opener any good? Looks like it could be either really good quality, or horrible.
Surprisingly, a good wine. It’s not the best I’ve had, but with the accoutrement (corkscrew and such) it’s actually a pretty good buy.
in for 1, my first actual wine purchase
Thankfully this one is easy to pass on. Now just watch…by the time I wake up I’m going to have missed more Ty.
This is the only bad wine I’ve had from woot. Do not buy.
I’ve had good luck with the everyday drinkers from woot so I ordered a case of this. I have 11 bottles sitting around and I’m not sure what to do with them.
EDIT: Sorry. I got this mixed up with the Adequate Gift. The Emergency Provision was a good wine. The Adequate Gift was terrible.
You could place them around the house in case of fire.
I have a st bernard, so I want the wine just for that. but of course they dont ship to arizona…
Did you only have one? If so, open another up and give it another shot. There was a lot of talk about this having some weird bottle variation. I heard the good bottles were great. If you don’t like the next one, there are probably some people on here who would take the rest of them off your hands.
I’ve heard that it’s best to let it age for at least a year, maybe two before it is a decent drink. Of course this is information coming from other wooters on the discussion board back in December…
I just edited my original comment. I was thinking of Adequate Gift, not the Emergency Provision.
Sigh… And I thought my credit card was safe.
still trying to decide if i should get one
only cause this comes with its own little package opener and cork kit
yea more doo-dads for the kitchen drawer… but i buy wine often enough, it prob wouldnt be bad to have extras…
maybe even for a camping trip
problem with this will be not drinking it before 6-8mo passes, heh >:)
I really like this wine, but I would rather have 2 bottles for $25 than these tools and one bottle for less. Regretfully passing.
Really crossing my fingers for the Cavedoni balsamic tomorrow…
I knew there was going to be another woot off today! I think that’s why I woke up at 4am…I sensed it haha.
1st time wine buyer
How and when does this typically ship?
If it makes a differance - I’m in Texas.
Anybody received theirs yet? Not even a shipping notice yet.