Emerson Silver 5-Device Jumbo Remote

Well I guess you won’t lose this one.


That is one giant remote, although it appears not to be the entire width of a dollar, if that’s important to anyone.

DOES NOT WORK WITH DYNEX!!! I have the black one and it won’t work with my Dynex TV Or my BluRay player

I bought three of these last time (in black). They’re huuuuuuuuge! Never lose one again.

my parents would love one of these! if only it worked with tivo

In for 8 - one for each of my great grandparents.

Compare those jumbo remotes!

if there were only a solar panel on the backside this thing might be useful!

We own one of these. They’re a little harder than the average remote for the kids (or us) to lose. They make great “white elephant” gifts too!

Omfg. I’m in for 3 !!!

Has the whole woot been like this? I just started watching two items ago and I’m already feeling as if I’ve been pointlessly staring at woot for two days without sleep.

harbour frieght

I have one of these, but I can’t seem to find it.

You don’t have to put a tracking device on this, cause you aint losin it.

Anybody ever buy this carp just to move things along?

These are a GREAT temporary back-up if you misplace your primary all-in-one remote…due to the size, it’s easy to find!

A great bargain for a gag gift or old people. You can’t even get a normal 5 device remote for 8 bucks.

These are great for when you’re drunk!