Energizer Rechargeable Light on Demand

buy this hurry so the next item will come out

I have never once seen more than one Beautiful Old Cabbage in a wootoff. Never.

If you do happen to be near an outlet, rare in our Luddite society I know, can these plug in?

I’m here

I am more upset that I missed the Bacon Salt than the BOC. I feel like a traitor. I also feel like everything should taste like bacon.

coullda used the desk lamp for kindle reading at night. All that’s left is single lighe and don’t need another flashlight. Bummer.

roomba please

No more desk lamps. I fold.

Come on woot! Before this woot off is over I could use some nice ear buds

Who’s making all that racket in here?

I am patiently awaiting my screaming caped monkey…while watching Fringe…and then Burn Notice!

Does this lantern come in green?


you have to tighten the screw on the elbow so it won’t sag

Tighten the screws in the elbows. Then they will work just fine. I am back for more. I gave some for Christmas and am using the desk lamp now.

i have the desk lamp and 3 of the twin light stations around the house/ garage. They work very nicely. Highly recommend you buy at least one (that is assuming you want a portable area light, or a not blindingly bright desk lamp)

wanted the desklamp… no need for the others

I too wanted the bacon salt. Was way to slow to get in on it. Oh well, maybe next time.


Yep, looks like I pulled the trigger to late on the desk lamp. Can’t get one.

oh shizzle new fringe! totally forgot! :frowning:

light on demand, what will they think of next in this high tech revolution, oh wait flahlights aren’t new are they.