Envision 22” LCD Monitor

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - Saving Woot prices for decades to come

Envision 22" LCD Monitor
$159.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Envision G218A1 22" LCD Monitor

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New Envision 22" LCD Monitor, for $159.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Envision G218A1 22" LCD Monitor

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sold out


was there only one?

wow so fast

HUGE pixel pitch @ .28 x .28 - hardly a great deal IMO,but shipping makes it decent I suppose…

Sold out so quickly??

wtf mate?

Dude, where’s the chat room?

Well crap. too slow.

I think that was a teaser deal and had no inventory.

I figured this one would be sold out rather quickly

Dear Boss,

So sorry that my productivity will be zero today. I have an obligation to wait for carp. In the meantime, you wanna buy me a 22" screen? Maybe? Please?

Thank you,

Employed till xmas

Knowing woot, maybe not even that many :slight_smile:

Me too, figures. :frowning:

actually there were three

and yeah
i really wanted one but i guess my connections not that fast

Envision = “inferior quality for monitors”…

Mine lasted 20 days…

